Wonderful pm light in Sancerre

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From the top of Les Monts Damnés across to Sancerre

After foul weather yesterday, the sky cleared late this morning and by mid-afternoon the light had become spectacular, so on our way back to Touraine we stopped above Chavignol and look a few shots.

Looking down the Monts Damnés to
Chavignol and beyond

Looking along La Côtes des Monts Damnés


Over the roofs of Chavignol towards Sancerre
Chavignol from La Côte des Monts Damnés

Chavignol is often misty and foggy, especially during the winter. I can only assume that the inhabitants have become so attached to these conditions that, even on clear days, they light large, smoky fires, so they don't think they have taken a wrong turning on the way home.

Smoke and La Côte des Monts Damnés

Hillside of vines between Saint-Satur and Chavignol

Vines near Saint-Satur

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