Anjou: two items of news: Les Tonnelles and Domaine FL

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Les Tonnelles to Angers

After many years on the island of Béhuard, the highly recommended restaurant Les Tonnelles is closing its doors on the 20th December and moving upstream to 9 Rue Max-Richard, Angers, which is a short walk from the railway station. It will be open in time for the Salon des Vins de Loire at the beginning of February and may perhaps open in Angers some time during January 2009.

Current address:
12 Rue du Chevalier-Buhard
49170 Behuard

This should mean that there will now be three good restaurants in Angers. The other two are:

Le Relais
9 Rue de la Gare, 49100 Angers

Le Petit Comptoir
40, Rue David d' Angers, 49100 Angers

Domaine FL
Philip Fournier, the CEO and chairman of the Angers based company Afone ( and who bought Domaine Jo Pithon in 2005 and Château de Chamboreau in 2006, has merged the two estates to form Domaine FL with 40 hectares of vines. A new winery will be built ready for the 2010 vintage. Bordeaux based Stéphane Derenoncourt is the consultant and Huges Daubercies is the maître de chais. Domaine FL will be farmed organically.

I guess that the creation of Domaine FL may mean that Jo Pithon will again be able to use his name commercially.

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