Central Vineyards sales: 2007-08 hold steady

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The sales figures for the campaign 1st August 2007 to 31st July 2008 have just been released and they show that the overall volume of sales was almost identical to the campaign 2006/07. At 301,968 hl the 2007 harvest was up by 1.5% on 2006 – 297,371 hl. 301,886 hl were sold in 2007/08 against 302,690 hl in the previous year. This means that sales almost exactly matched the volume of the 2007 harvest. Breaking that down by appellation, shows that Sancerre at 165,810 hl was down 1% on the previous year, Pouilly-Fumé at 74,778 (down 4%), Châteaumeillant, which had a very small harvest was down by 2%, and Pouilly-sur-Loire down by 15%.

The drop in sales of Pouilly-sur-Loire reflects the continued decline in the production of Pouilly-sur-Loire, now easily the smallest appellation of the Central Vineyards. In 2004 there was 2367 hl made, 2005 (2193 hl), 2006 (1987 hl) and just 1918 hl in 2007 – a drop of 19% in four years. There are now only 33 ha of Chasselas in production.

In contrast sales of the rest of the appellations were all up; Menetou-Salon (6%), Quincy (15%), Reuilly (5%) and Coteaux du Giennois (11%).

48.5% of sales are outside France. The campaign saw increases in the UK (+3%), which is still easily the largest export market, and the US (1%). They also increased in Holland (11%), Norway (20%) and Ireland (20%). However, sales in Belgium and Germany dropped by 9% and 4% respectively and also Canada, which was down by 20%. The whites dominate the export market with 92.8% of the volume, 4.4% for the rosés and just 2.8% for the reds

It will be interesting to see how sales hold up in 2007/08, which promises to be one of the most difficult for many years. It may well be fortunate that the possible drop in demand coincides with the small 2008 harvest.

Source: BIVC

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