Les Vendanges aux Clos Roche Blanche

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View over the Cher Valley from the Clos Roche Blanche

We dropped in on the Clos Roche Blanche (AC Touraine) hoping to catch them picking the last of the Chardonnay but the well-drilled team finished earlier than anticipated. Happily this meant that Catherine Roussel had time to chat about the vintage.

“At the beginning of September I was really depressed and feared the vintage would be a catastrophe. Then I thought we are not at harvest-time yet the weather can improve – and it has! This morning we picked part of the Gamay – the grapes are really good with about 12.2 potential alcohol. When Didier checked them over he only found five bunches that were rotten! It’s difficult to say at the moment but the yield is probably around 40 hl/ha. This year the grapes don’t have very much juice – the north wind that has been blowing for the last fortnight or so has dried the grapes.” Also, although the summer was cool, it was fairly dry.

“We have finished the Sauvignon. It’s a tiny crop this year – we have probably only made 15-20 hl/ha! The problem is that they are high in potential alcohol – 14%. Didier has done a macération carbonique to try and reduce the level of alcohol a bit.”

On top of the harvest Catherine has to field calls
about the now famous Gamay 2007!

We talked about the article in the NY Times by Eric Asimov this week that praises the Clos Roche Blanche Gamay – Eric is obviously a man who knows what he is talking about!

‘One area with a small amount of gamay is the Loire Valley, which may be France’s greatest region for wine bargains. For the past few years my Thanksgiving red for the big crowd at our family celebrations has been the Touraine gamay from Clos Roche Blanche. The 2007 gamay, which I found for $15.99 (it was around $10 three or four years ago) is exhilarating to drink, with its earthy, minerally flavors and great gamay fruit.’
Eric Asimov ‘Modest Luxuries for Lean Times’ The NY Times
23rd September 2008

Detail of the house of the Clos Roche Blanche – vines and bunches of grapes

Monday morning they will be picking the Gamay at La Tesnière. I hope to get some pictures then. I fancy Eric Asimov can look forward to drinking and enjoying the 2008 Touraine Gamay with quiet confidence.

Despite being the toast of the NY Times, Catherine
still cleans the pickers' buckets

Clos Roche Blanche, 19 Route de Montrichard, 41110 Mareuil-sur-Cher.

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